According to a study conducted by Dr. Ramon Jimenez entitled "Do Poor People Sue Doctors More Frequently?", poor patients are less likely to sue their doctors for medical malpractice. The study has been published in the February 25, 2012 edition of Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research.
The results of this study run counter to the notion, or misconception, that poor patients are more likely to pursue medical negligence lawsuits to obtain the proverbial "payday." It appears, instead, that poor patients file claims less because they have less access to legal counsel and often lack the finances necessary to prosecute a case.
The study also touched on an "unconscious bias" held by some physicians who refuse to treat low income patients -- that bias being that the doctor will not be paid for rendering services. The decision not to treat patients who may be hard to collect payment from may be eased, or justified, by accepting the assumption that poor patients are more likely to sue.
Bottar Leone, PLLC is a Syracuse personal injury law firm that has, for nearly three decades, represented patients from all walks of life. "We have clients who are homeless, as well as clients who are very successful. We even have physician clients." Contact us to discuss your case or concerns with one of our New York medical malpractice lawyers.
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